How To Make Money If You Are Under 18 make money online in vietnam

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Teenage years can be some of the best times of your life, but they also mean that you are most likely completely broke. It’s time to level up and get some spending cash, maybe take your secret crush on a romantic date, but to do that you need the dough. In today’s video we’re going to share the best ways on how to to make some extra money online and offline if you are under 18.

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How To Make Money If You Are Under 18
How To Make Money If You Are Under 18

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How To Make Money If You Are Under 18
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47 thoughts on “How To Make Money If You Are Under 18 make money online in vietnam”

  1. If only I was 15 but I'm the oldest tween to be and I know the basics of chemistry so here is some stuff for you depressed thugs
    The basics of the atom was originally thought of as a plum pie, but the discovery of alpha particles going back to radioactive atoms and bouncing halted this thought and now know that protons are strong, especially for the fact it holds the electric-type neutrons in place. I don't thing the neucelus core is important other than for size right now so TO THE ELECTRONS. These hustling bustling orbital-tracking light-enducing things are the main things for conductivity and light. They are called ELECTRONS though. How they absorb light is is like a lift with low power. The more light it has, the more reactive the atom is, and the more it can drop closer to the neucleus.
    Oh and how nukes work is that the neutrons have a lot of energy and when separated from the uranium or other atoms protons, it bursts tons of energy. Maybe this Is the same with opposite matter.

  2. I have an idea! Get a reloadable Visa Giftcard, Make something popular (A discord bot, gaming video) and have a patron to get money from your fans! (USE A VOICE CHANGER FOR EXTRA EFFECT!) Oh, And if anyone asks you say your 18.

  3. as a roblox player i know that there’re only a few hundred games that actually make money. Plus you need 100000 robux made from those games to extract them into real money, which is nearly impossible.

  4. Me and my friend have been the owners of our kid run lawn care company and we make a lot of money I highly recommend this it will be slow for a few years the you can take off

  5. This video: how to make money under 18
    Me who earns 20 dollars a hour for doing a simple yet important job since 13 years of age: I’m four parallel universes ahead of you

  6. Surveys are not reliable ways of making money. You’ll rarely get qualified for 1 each week unless you lie on your profile, and they can disqualify you mid-survey if you reveal something that’s not what they’re looking for.

  7. I'm 13 and I sell sweets at school I usually make about £20 a week from just going to poundland buy a multipack of 4 or 5 and sell 1 of the sweets in the pack for 50p this works well because in Tesco or any other supermarket a stick of starbursts or sweets like that is usually 60 to 65p

  8. all u have to do is babysit the neighbors and instead of talking to them you can give 5 bucks each tell them to hold it to a wall with their nose and say the last one to drop it keeps both notes or you could use chocolate bars if there are more than 2 kids as a cheaper option only works on younger kids or else they'll find out what your doing


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